Fostering An Animal!
We are in immediate need of fosters! Any foster-care you can provide is encouraged, however we are specifically seeking medical fosters and puppy fosters! Many animals that come into our care are sick and need a home to recover in. We also have many puppies that need to work on home and socialization skills to make them more attractive to potential adopters! A foster provides a home, love, and care until the animal is brought back to optimal health and can return to our shelter environment. Many fosters will also provide a home up until the time the animal is adopted!
When you foster an animal, you are not only helping save that animal’s life, but you also free up room at our rescue facility to pull in another animal in need. It is also one of the most rewarding experiences for animal lovers. To quote our amazing foster coordinator… “My whole family, including my dogs, help these scared, hurting dogs blossom into the confident dogs they’re meant to be and it is a beautiful thing. The reward of saving them and sending them off to happy lives far outweighs the sadness of goodbyes.”
Gretchen’s progress with her amazing foster prior to her adoption!
For animal lovers that cannot, or are not ready to commit to the life-long commitment of a pet, fostering provides fulfillment for those who desire to care for and connect with animals. Plus, bonding with animals has proven benefits for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being!
”Studies have shown that the bond between people and their pets is linked to several health benefits, including:
Decreased blood pressure, cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels, feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and symptoms of PTSD.
Increased opportunities for exercise and outdoor activities; better cognitive function in older adults; and more opportunities to socialize”
Paws In Middle Georgia covers all medical/vetting expenses, food, and supplies that our fosters may need to care for their foster animal.
If interested in becoming a foster, please click here to fill out an application!
If you have questions about fostering please contact us!